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Mighty Pawz Special Operations


Saving Animals

Emergency Services 



For Immediate Emergency Transport, Triage, Animal Rescue Please Call The Animal Emergency HotLine 1-888-542-6522 ext 0

(Services free of Charge) 

Emergency Intervention

Mighty Pawz Special Operations, can provide basic life support, ,CPR, intubation for airway , oxygen  , monitor vitals  on emergency scenes. we assist Local Emergency 911 personnel, Animal Hospitals and Private owners.


 our volunteers are trained from basic animal triage to vet technician and veterinarian. We can control bleeding airway and transport your animal to the nearest Emergency Animal Hospital , triage in large mass Numbers, mass casualty, 

Emergency Transportation

Mighty Pawz Provides Emergency Animal Transport  to veterinarian Hospitals. If you are a Private owner  you must make arrangements for your Animal Prior to Arranging Emergency Transport. This Ensures the Hospital is aware of your Animals Emergency Arrival.

We Transport Animals from scenes of Emergency incidents such as fires, private homes , Animal shelters. Inter Hospital Transfers., car Accidents 

Animal Rescue & Disaster Response

MIghty Pawz Special Operations , Has the Tools Essential to a safe  Animal Rescue, We also Provide Disaster Relief Services.  IN Partnership as a  National Critical Response Team For the ASPCA .


We have Equipment such as Mobile washdown stations, Large 100 Ft ladder For lifting Animals in high or low terrain Rescue or otherwise inaccessible areas,  200 ft snatch sticks, Ropes & rigging , Lighting , Backup Generators, Drain Cameras ,Medical Supplies , Oxygen, Temp Fencing, Water Rescue, Search & Rescue , Animal Tracking, in addition we deploy with a Team of Certified Nurses, EMTS, Paramedics , This ensures the safety of our team and any primary searching in Disaster Stricken Areas

About Us


Our Mission

Mighty Pawz Special Operations is dedicated to providing emergency animal rescue, transport, and medical services with trained volunteers. We focus on raising funds, awareness, and educating pet owners and emergency personnel. Our comprehensive animal care, assistance to local emergency personnel, and national response team for the ASPCA set us apart in the field of animal welfare.

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